Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sacramento Trip!

The crew arrived outside of my house super early on Friday morning at approximately 3:00am. Was a pretty good idea considering weekend traffic, and the short weekend time-line that we had to skate. Still a little drunk from the night before, delirious, yet excited, we were off! This group of circus characters consisted of Ryan(Pilot)Davis, Dennis Dilliner, Darren Munoz, Nate Klein, Jason Keam, and myself.

Now this trip certainly started off interesting for me, because when we reach somewhere around the halfway mark, i realize....i dont have my wallet! WTF? Sure enough, while packing a few things the night before, (and a few too many sips) i left the missing wallet in another pair of pants at home. Not only can i not spend my own dough like i want to, i also cant go into a bar, or store to grap a quick tallie, or even smokes for that matter without having to trouble the homies to get them to buy for me. Not to mention, i even had to pull the whole "let me transfer money to your account so im not broke and hungry this whole time" card. Shitty situation, but everyone was super nice about it. Thanks guys.

Now our trip wouldnt be anything that it was without our tour guide: "crazy ass" Dave Urke. Here's to you Flamingo! This unpredictable character kept every ball rolling....endless spot lists, endless stories of this and that, and excellent dining that had our bellies stoked the entire time.

The rest is mostly a sweaty blurr of laughs, sunburn, and bets for tricks! By "laughs" i mean, gut pinching, breathless giggles, started and never finished by everyone in the crew...jokes stayed a brew'n. By "sunburn" i mean it was hot as shit over there, and i seemed to find myself always somewhere without any trees or shade. I looked like a fuckn hot dog weener. And by "bets" i mean constant unreasonable bets for tricks, or next tries.. Fuckn Nate is off the chain with this stuff,..double, tripple, quads,,,or nuth'n...that cat will indead bet his life away before he's done with this world!

Now i didnt take that many photos on this trip for whatever reason. Got a couple pics of the re-uniting of Crazy dave and crew, meeting at some sizy new concrete park where waaay too many tricks went down right away. Here's a few:

~edit night time~
Now i would be a damn fool to not give a lil peak of one of the MVP's of this trip. Nate Klein ran upon this crazy spot just to see what it really looked like. ..but that wasnt enough. "Get the board, brooms, and camera's"!! It was definately on. He ran his ass off to get these tricks, but i havnt seen anyone do them here yet. And i didnt have my camera out, so i got these with my camera phone...Pretty good huh!

and then...

After the wreckoning, we were blown away, and in dire need of a couple brews. Poor Nate just wanted to sleep, in hopes that he could walk the next day.
With the weekend ending, we took a lil gander at the weather predictions, and figured we should prally break out before it poors down rain on all of the equipment we brought. So we made our simple-minded precautions and mosy our way on back to L.A.

Til next time my friends....

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